Since September last year, the British Pound has enjoyed a relatively easy time against the Australian Dollar, often described as a solid bull run. However, many fundamental drivers have turned sour for the Sterling crosses, and with GBPAUD in particular, we may be in for a significant price reversal. What's Driving the Pound Aussie Pairing? The...
The US official trade deficit number with China is $375.2bn in 2017. But According to China Customs General Administration, this number should be $275.8bn. Notice there is a vast gap between the versions from two sides. So, which version is closer to the facts? Firstly, let’s start this debate by looking at the US perspective. Previously in the...
Venezuela: A Latin American Crisis Venezuela’s economy has been in turmoil in recent times with its inflation skyrocketing and with no signs of slowing down, the situation may worsen. The political tensions have